I am running an Amazon ‘Countdown’ deal on both The Flame Before Us and Scenes from a Life!
The deal is available on both books from Saturday August 8th up until Thursday August 13th, at whatever time of day Amazon sees fit.

In both cases the price starts at £0.99 or $0.99 and increases up to the normal price of £2.39 or $3.25 in increments.
As you would expect, you need to buy earlier in the time period in order to get the books at a cheaper rate.
Meanwhile, if you have enjoyed the series of character interviews (which is not yet finished) then you can have your very own kindle or epub versions, available as free downloads from https://leanpub.com/book_search?search=richard+abbott. I will be uploading the mobi and epub versions to other sites in time – for the moment leanpub is the only place they are available.